Exploring Wisconsin

Every since my friends and I started driving I’ve had this feeling of adventure and exploration. Growing up, I always thought Wisconsin was the most boring state in the US. (which I won’t say it’s the best but, it’s defiantly not the worst, anymore). But I don’t just crave adventure I crave secret places, hidden treasures kept from ordinary people. I love finding places that aren’t in your local Tourist Guide book. Looking on a map and finding your way. My friends and I have been searching the Internet for hidden places in Wisconsin but, of course if they’re hidden why would someone share them… Well it’s your lucky day because I’m getting ready to share my favorite spots! Though some look like touristic things, I’ll have you know that behind every door there’s adventure waiting to happen.

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Having A Best Friend Who Is Studying Abroad? Q&A

There were over 300 kids in Paris who were all studying abroad in France. With that comes many friends and BEST friends left back at home. I decided to write about one of my best friends point of view on the situation since I am studying abroad right now. Hopefully this will make everyone else going through the same situation feel some sort of comfort and have some ideas on what to do.  Continue reading