Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Vee at! Thank you so much for nominating me as one of the nominees! I never thought that a little blog like mine would ever even be close to receiving anything. I think these awards are a great way to show other, smaller blogs that we are all in this together.

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Do I Have A Crazy Obsession?

Coming home from France my first job was to reorganize my things because before I left I cleaned out my room so, my little brother could move into it. I had put all my things into boxes and now that I was back, it was time to sort through them. As I was, I stumbled upon a plethora of books. I looked at all these books spread out on the floor and I caught onto a theme…they were all, somehow, related to Paris, French, or France! And that’s when I realized that I might have a little obsession.

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Magical Day in Disneyland Paris

Stumbling out of bed at 6:30 in the morning isn’t as magical as most would assume, at least not for someone who isn’t a morning person. As my grandmother and I took line 6 to Charles de Gaulle Étoile I knew we were in for a treat. First we got a little lost taking the metro and almost ended up taking the wrong one but, lucky enough we got back on track and found the RER A, which we took all the way to Disneyland.  Continue reading

Summer Plans

As many of my friends, family, and followers know I am on exchange in France and I am lucky enough to spend two months of summer in this beautiful country before I leave. With the end of school approaching I have little to no time to get my suitcases pack for a somewhat backpacking adventure.  Continue reading

Planning a Backpacking Adventure

Summer’s just around the corner and there’s so much on my list of things to do! Just recently one of my friends said she wanted to hike the Appalachian Mountains. Looking into it we found out that it was almost a 6 month hike to finish the whole thing. And that was just #1 not in our age range, because our parents never would’ve let us do that yet and #2 not in our time frame, which I assume most people don’t have 6 months where they have time to go backpacking. (though some people may). So this summer I decided to have a fun get together with some friends and plan a backpacking trip.

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exploring day in photos

I love to take photos like fashion, nature, etc. I love to capture a moment. As my friend and I were exploring some gardens we decided to have a fun, mini photoshoot. Here are some photos I managed to take while exploring.

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Exploring Wisconsin

Every since my friends and I started driving I’ve had this feeling of adventure and exploration. Growing up, I always thought Wisconsin was the most boring state in the US. (which I won’t say it’s the best but, it’s defiantly not the worst, anymore). But I don’t just crave adventure I crave secret places, hidden treasures kept from ordinary people. I love finding places that aren’t in your local Tourist Guide book. Looking on a map and finding your way. My friends and I have been searching the Internet for hidden places in Wisconsin but, of course if they’re hidden why would someone share them… Well it’s your lucky day because I’m getting ready to share my favorite spots! Though some look like touristic things, I’ll have you know that behind every door there’s adventure waiting to happen.

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