‘My Little Box’ Noel

If you remember back to my first blog of this month it was about a little company (no pun intended 😉 ) called ‘My Little Box’. A few days ago I received my box for this month and I’m ready to share with you guys what was inside this months box.

Right off the bat, I fell in love with the design of this box. It just screams Christmas! When I first received it the candy, which is now on the ground in the picture, was neatly tucked underneath the ribbon, which was tied around the box. 20161217_154314

Before I go any further, I have to say that I wish there were more products inside this months box just because it is Christmas. Anyway as you can see from the picture this is what you get inside you’re Noel box:

  1. Candle (Gingerbread or Fois de bois) made from the company
  2. Full size perfume/ full size lotion
  3. Gold bracelet
  4. Eye shadow palette made from the company
  5. Candy cane
  6. Eye shadow primer
  7. Magazine about the products

So you don’t get that many things inside the box but, the bracelet does retail around 25 euros, the eye shadow palette is about 6 euros on their website, and the candle retails for 8 euros. So overall, the cost of those product right there is more than what you are paying per month for a box.


*for the record the boxes that go out to London and Tokyo receive different products in their boxes, for example, instead of perfume they may revive lotion or some other product.

Overall, I am still in love with this company and how they manage to put together boxes that are so cute! They make sure every little detail is perfect from the products to the stickers on the shipping box. Hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season!

p.s. just started my winter break here!


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